Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Does this make sense?!

Since every other person on the planet is talking about it, I might as well as joining the bandwagon. Of course, I'm talking about the swine flu!

By this time, I'm sure you would already have read so much about it. I'm not here to add any facts or fibs, just to add a few points from a different perspective.

Now, I'm a pharmacist by trade. I've been taught through out my career to believe in science. I like to think of myself as never been bought over drug companies, just purely interested in how drugs heal people. It's my training so far.

Then I was reading this summary on the Secret (http://www.thesecret.tv/top-secret-summary-of-teachings.html#health). The Secret believes in using the power of mind to achieve well being. That I have no objection, even advocating laughter has the best medicine. The conflict arises when it preaches about using emotions to treat.

Qoute, "As you appreciate, as you love, as you are happy, as you are grateful, you are summoning well being and it is pouring through your body and disease is vanishing in the moment."

I read that as positive emotions will heal without drugs or even consultation with the doc. Yes, I admit there are miracles in medicines but to say one does not need science is very contradictory to my trainings. The current swine flu outbreak, can being positive alone prevent the spread of it? We still do not understand enough about this flu strain, just behaving positively can ensure not catching the bug? I don't think so. Basic quarantine, hand hygiene, wearing mask.... all those are probably more effective at containing the potential pandemic.

Maybe I'm just thinking too much, contradicting myself. I don't know, not sure what to make of this....

Monday, April 27, 2009

Perception about Money

One of the exercises Dr Mel Gill's SGR program is to list down how we perceive money before and after attending the class. I know it may sounds silly but this was what I wrote:


1. We must earn money the honest, straight forward, no short-cut way.

2. One does not have to be rich, as long as self sufficient.

3. How to become 'filthy rich' is a mystery.

4. Being rich, most of the time is due to luck. Those successful people just 'happened' to get the necessary opportunities.

5. Being rich will attract a lot of troubles, eg. target of robbery/kidnap, family dispute over monetary matters.

6. Money can't buy everything. (Thanks to Hollywood to keep reminding me that!!)


1. We all deserve the right to be rich, filthy rich.

2. There is no mystery to achieve financial freedom. The Law of Attraction and our positive thinkings will guide us to our goals.

3. I should not fear of being rich. My thoughts will only attract positive things.

4.. The 'chance' or 'opportunity' of those successful people is the result of their positivity. I too can attract that!!

5. Money may not buy me everything, but it will provide me with more options than before.

6. There are other ways, simpler, effortless method to realizing the dream of wealth.

Now it's fairly easy to say these things. The crucial part is to really believe in what I just said. From today onwards, I will keep reminding myself to adopt the new perception of money!!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Happy songs, happy thoughts

One of the things I've learned from the seminar is subconcious mind. Dr Mel Gill was talking about the songs that we listen to can have an impact on our emotions.

For instance, a motivating song (e.g. Nothing is Going to Stop Us Now by Starship http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=queOX1mXkMs). Imagine singing this song to the person in the mirror each morning while grooming yourself, telling yourself that you and your inner self need to be together to go through all the ups and downs of life. Feel an inner strength to have a great day!

It gives me a tingle to sort my music library for the happy songs that can motivate me. One of them is my all time favourite and it encompasses alot of the values Dr Gill was trying to convey to us. It's called Life is Beautiful by Noa. Watch this at Youtube, with lyrics. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-adxsRjv

This song is also the theme song for the movie Life is Beautiful
(Italian: La vita รจ bella) a 1997 Italian film which tells the story of a Jewish Italian, Guido Orefice (played by Roberto Benigni, who must learn how to use his fertile imagination to help his son survive their internment in a Nazi concentration camp. First, we must understand and appreciate that life in beautiful, in everyway. Simply by being alive itself is something we should cherish and be happy about, mirrored in the movie by surviving the camp.

Then we need to keep in mind that any hardship will soon pass, it's merely a diversion of our journey to achieve our goals. Think of it as 'this too shall pass' like Dr Mel said. Qoute: Soon, we'll think about a brighter day, cause life is beautiful that way. (in the song) That should add strength and determination to the current obstacle you're facing.

The song says,
Smile, no matter what they tell you,
Don't listen to a word they say,
Cause life is beautiful that way

Well, I'm not talking about selective hearing! What Dr Mel did mention was the need to filter out the negative sensory stimulations for the subconcious mind. We may be hearing all sort of things, good or bad, like the Nazi trying to brain wash the prisoners. But ultimately, it's up to us to decide what we should believe in. We are the one in control to interpret and perceive the words we hear. Negative commends, either discard them or try to analyse if there's any truth in them for us to reflect upon.

Sometimes I wonder if songs can convey messages without me conciously acknowledging it. I often listen to the rhythm, the melody, the voices, but not the words... well, it gives me the ability to accept songs of foreign languages as well. But is it a good thing? What if the songs were conveying a sad or bad thoughts? Erm.... mayb I'm getting sucked into some depressive moods too.... I wonder........


Hi, I want to welcome all who took the time to pay this blog a visit....

I decided to share my journey to rediscover myself with you. I plan to include as many materials that I've come across which affected my thinking, emotions, decision-making on this blog.

About 2 weeks ago, I attended a course called Science of Getting Rich conducted by Dr Mel Gill. The initial intention was to expose myself to more ideas. By the end of it, I'm starting to re-think alot of my beliefs. Not only am I questioning, but I want to explore the potentials that I have.

I hope one day, and I know I will be able to achieve it, I will be wealthy too, not only in terms of monetary, but in mind, body and soul. And I would like to share my journey with you....